Planinica – Japanska staza

Opis Japanske staze:

Planinarsko-rekreativnu stazu koja od Mostara preko Planinice vodi do Goranaca nazvali smo Japanskom stazom obzirom na pomoć i podršku Japanske organizacije JICA. Staza prema Planinici počinje od poslovnog objekta ” KB”-a u produžetku Dubrovačke ulice (drugi izlaz s kružnog toka, ulaz u malu uličicu pa ravno do parkinga), s kote na 90mnv, a završava kod crkve na Gorancima na 666mnv. Staza je u cijelosti označena, na devet raskrižja postavljeni su putokazi što snalaženje čini jednostavnim. Prva dionica se proteže austrougarskom konjskom stazom i vodi do Bunkera koji je na 725mnv. Duga je 4.2km i zahtijeva 1.5h laganog hoda. Staza ima kontinuiran uspon , izložen suncu, po tipičnom hercegovačkom kršu čiju surovost omekšava prekrasan pogled na Mostar koji vas prati u svim dijelovima staze.
Prije izlaska na lokaciju Bunker obilježeno je skretanje, koje vodi alternativnim putem preko mjesta za odmor nazvanog Klupe. Položajem u hladovini i zavjetrini Klupe pružaju ugodno mjesto za predah s pogledom na panoramu Mostarske kotline. Tu je i improvizirano ognjište koje se koristi za roštiljanje i grijanje tijekom zimskih boravaka.
Drugi dio staze od Bunkera do crkve na Gorancima dug je 7,3km i zahtijeva 2h laganog hoda. Bez strmih uspona, manje je zahtjevan, ali omogućava hodanje po platou Planinice, uz blago spuštanje prema napuštenim kućama zaseoka Seline. Dalje se staza opet lagano uspinje prema sjeveru vijugajući obroncima Crnog vrha, najviše kote Planinice, uz šumarke škrte hercegovačke vegetacije. Možemo slobodno reći da je ovaj dio idealan za laganu šetnju, odmor duše i tijela uz bogate mirise ljekovitog bilja Hercegovine.
Na nekim djelovima puta se prolazi kroz šumoviti dio, koji daje posebnu draž i zaklon od velikih ljetnih vrućina. Pored planinara, izletnika i rekreativaca, i brdski biciklisti i drugi vrlo rado konzumiraju ovu stazu. Nakon, možemo reći umjereno naporne šetnje prirodom, na kraju staze nas čeka ugostiteljski objekt „Konoba Goranci“ s vrhunskom autohtonom gastronomskom ponudom, koja će doprinijeti kvaliteti ukupnog doživljaja.
Nepostojanje izvora vode, koju treba ponijeti sa sobom, obzirom na blizinu naseljenih mjesta i duljinu staze ne predstavlja velik nedostatak.
Japanska staza na Planinici idealna je za planinarenje, rekreaciju i druženje tokom cijele godine, a svaki posjetitelj će pronaći nešto za sebe.
Normalnim planinarskim hodom stazu dugu 11.5km je moguće proći za 3h i 30min i po kategorizaciji staza koju je ustanovio HPD Prenj 1933,spada u kategoriju B1.
Sretno i uživajte!

Description of The Japanese Trail:
This is hiking and recreational trail that we named The Japanese Trail considering the help and support of the Japanese organization JICA. The trail to Planinica starts at the “KB” business building in the extension of Dubrovacka Street (second exit from circular intersection, enter to narrow street and go straight ahead to parking place), at the altitude of 90m, and ends near the church in Goranci at altitude of 666m. The trail is marked along the entire length – nine guideposts are placed at intersections to simplify orientation. The first section extends along the Austro-Hungarian horse trail and leads to The Bunker at the altitude of 725m. It is 4.2km long and requires 1.5 hours of gentle walk. The trail has a continuous slope exposed to the sun, on a typical Herzegovinian karst whose harshness is soothed by a magnificent view of Mostar that accompanies you in all parts of the trail.
Before reaching The Bunker, there is a turn sign for an alternative trail through the rest stop called The Benches (Klupe). With its position in the shade and lee, The Benches provide a comfortable place for break with a panoramic view of the Mostar valley. There is also a makeshift fireplace used for barbecue and heating during winter visits.
The other part of the trail from The Bunker to the church in Goranci is 7.3km long and takes two hours of light walk. Without steep ascents, it is less demanding, but it allows hiking on Planinica plateau, with a mild descent toward the abandoned houses of Seline hamlet. Next, the trail again slightly rises to the north, meandering over the slopes of The Black Peak (Crni vrh) – the highest point of Planinica, along the groves of scarce Herzegovinian vegetation. We can freely say that this part is ideal for leisurely walk, rest for body and soul with rich scents of herbs of Herzegovina.
Some sections of the trail pass through wooded area, which offers a special charm and shelter from intense summer heat. With hikers, picnickers, recreationists and mountain bikers, others are also very happy using this trail. Finally, we can say, this is a moderately strenuous walk through nature. At the end of the trail there is the tavern restaurant Konoba Goranci which offers excellent authentic cuisine and refreshments that will definitely enrich your overall experience.
On the trail, there are no sources of water, so you have to bring it with you, but that should not be a big problem considering the proximity of populated areas and length of the trail.
The Japanese Trail on Planinica is ideal for hiking, recreation and socializing throughout the year, and every visitor will find something for himself.
With normal hiking pace it is possible to pass the 11.5 km long trail in 3h 30min, and according to HPD Prenj 1933 trail categorization, it belongs to the category B1.
Good luck and enjoy yourself!